GMSWorks 4.5 released with following
GMSWorks 4.4 released with following
Windows 7 / Windows 10 Support:
- GMSWorks working now under Windows 7 / Windows 10.
Required: Exceed V14 or higher and GMSWorks version 4.5.
To compile agile programs, Intel's Fortran plus Visual C V10 is required.
Agile Programs, compiled with Digital Fortran and Visual C V6 are working fine.
Plot Program:
- GMSPLOT, a Windows application, is now available to simplify the creation of plots.
Several plot options are available, including the creation of pdf output format.
Printers / plotters are identified within the network and can get selected to create
a print or plot output.
Batch Utilities:
- GMSUTIL, another Windows application, has been created to simplify the conversion of
GMSWorks parts into dxf or pdf output format. Single GMSWorks parts can be selected as well
as whole directories or even directory trees. Also, it is possible now to automatically
convert dxf files into GMSWorks part files.
General Enhancements:
- Added Qt File Selection Dialog. On Windows this displays the
system File Selection Dialog. On Solaris it displays a dialog
similar to the standard Windows File Dialog. Additionally, an
environment variable (GMSQFILEDIALOG) has been added. Setting
this variable to N, n, F, or f will restore the previous behavior
(using the X/Motif File Selection Dialog).
- Solaris SIGUSR1 signal processing (kill -USR1).
- Show current FEM element thickness value during modification
of a single element.
- Increased non-cubic (non URC/NURC) splines from 50 to 200 control
- Automatic STITCH after IGES solids input with option of UNDO.
- Using latest Ricoh Designbase version 13 (see Solids below).
- Replacement of the gmsfont1 file with gmsfont4.dat
- In GMS 4.4, gmsfont4.dat replaces the previous gmsfont1
file which stored character data for alternate character
sets. The gmsfont1 supported only 96 characthers, while
gmsfont4.dat supports the entire Latin-1 character set.
However at this only a few characters in the Simplex
Roman character set have been added. These are degree,
diameter, and the umlauts used in German.
AGILE Enhancements:
- $BODY_VALIDATION_LIST topology error edge/face.
- $draftdupview1box for duplicating view 1 drafting entities
into another view of definition.
- engrave.agx
- Added $GET_DIMENSION_TEXTEXTENTS to return geometric information
about the various dimension text blocks.
- Added $MODIFYTEXT_POSITION, which modifies the text position
of an existing drafting entity
Solids Enhancements:
- Creations of solid body directly from solid IGES data.
- When gluing gaps between surfaces, the topology of the solid
IGES is used instead of retrying tolerances of the gaps.
- A triangluar surface with a degenerated edge may now be offset.
- Avoidance of unintentional change of surface shape when gluing.
- Improved midpoint calculation for better intersections.
- Improved tesselation on faces with holes.
- Improved performance on gluing of surface shells.
- Improved processing speed (up to 6.7 times) for surface smoothing.
General Fixes:
- Plus/Minus sign does not appear in Dimension text on UNIX.
- '$' inserted in front of '/' in $QUESTION text.
- Nested groups were not completely deleted when the subgroup
contained composite curves.
- Fileselect accepting upper case suffix on Solaris.
- Fileselect accepting .sa? on Linux.
- IGES in of aux entities menu buffer overrun.
- "Hidden Dialogs" problem, GMS File Selector, History
Dialog, Truetype Fonts Dialog, and Lighting Dialog.
- Drafting scales other than 1.0 has incorrect gemoetry for radius
and diameter dimensions (type 33 forms 17,18,20,21,22).
- Drafting zero supression of both leading and trailing zeros
on upper/lower tolerances does not output one zero when value
is zero (just outputs the sign with no digit).
- Write Image File fails with Solaris 10.
- Creating image file larger than window size not working properly
on Solaris.
- Problems with displaying circular arrowheads in Drafting.
Solids Fixes:
- When an edge-sequence is composed of two or more edges and
those edges are slightly folded, the rounding operation for the
edge-sequence may be hung up during the processing.
- BODY CHECK topology error face/edge display.
- When a face contains a degenerated P-loop composed of only
two straight lines, tessellating the face into polygons results
in a crash.
- When an edge-sequence around a sharply-pointed loop is specified
to the pldraft command, the operation may results in a crash.
- When cutting an end of a fillet/chamfered face generates a
triangular face, the resultant face may be distorted.
- When a generated free-form fillet/chamfered surface neighbors
a strip of face, the surface shape may skew.
- When faceting a face that contains a degenerated loop composed
of only two straight lines then the operations resulted in an
error or crash.
- During edge drafting the surface generation now succeeds when
a sharp drafted surface mode is specified.
- Rounding operations now succeed when an edge sequence is composed
of two or more edges that are slightly folded.
- A non-distored resultant face now is given when cutting an
end of a fillet/chamfered face generates a triangular face.
- A non-skewed resultant surface shape now is given when a generated
free-form fillet/chamfered surface neighbors a strip of a face